Discerning the history, the Bible was written poses the challenges made with the number of books. The total collection of 66 books was written by 40 authors and over 2,000 in different places by different authors. In this, we see how the Bible was built and how it has been divided into two periods: the Old Testament and New Testament. The 66 books describe the centre part of Humanity's problems and God's solution. It explains that God sent His son to rescue Humanity from sin and problems.

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History of the Bible
It would explore the history of the Bible in the form of eyewitnesses recorded in the Old Testament and New Testament of the Bible....Comparing both Testaments of the Bible, we know about the history of ancient people and civilization as revealed by archaeologists. Know about the history of the old, how they travel to modern times. Then you would maybe honour those whose novelty drove them across the world without the amenities of modern travel to unearth the realms buried within the earth to uncover the mysteries they include

Old Testament
Moses tells in the first five books of the Bible about the world's creation, Jewish faith, and Christianity.Moses is a significant ...leader in the Jewish community; he tries to bring the people from slavery in Egypt. In the ten commandments, he wrote the law to the Jewish people by God. Some other writers gathered the old oral stories and made the first few chapters of the Bible. The Old Testament carried many years to get together, including historical accounts, poetry, songs, wise saying, and prophets In the historical books, the Old Testament content had approved in 290 BC. After the approval, written 40 years after the last book, the evidence of the order of the books has modified the little topic When you arise the poetical books, we receive poetic writing with foreshadowing’s of forthcoming things, both good and bad. The categories of the Major and Minor Prophets persist in calling the people back to pursuing God. It creates hope and confidence about God's promise and plans to protect the earth via His Son, the promised Saviour.

New Testament
The History of the New Testament contains 27 books of the Bible. It had written in a short period by fewer people. It begins at ...50 AD and is the last completed in 90AD. The four Gospels books quickly reached, should be an official one. In the 2nd century, the Gospels book of Acts and Paul's letters of 13 started circulating in Christian churches. Other writings are contemplated included in the list of scriptures. Gospels explicitly stated that Jesus of Nazareth is a promised Saviour. Their particular focus is on crucifixion and renewal of his works to protect Humanity from sins and problems. It remains the New Testament of letters which includes the various written encouraging, teaching, and correcting the untrue principle and behaviour. The New Testament encloses by outlining what will take place when Jesus comes again. Around 200 AD were the concord the list and finalized at church committees in 400 AD. However, including the 27 books in the accepted Old Testament was merely an official endorsement of what Christians had long held. Then thousands of the New Testament manuscripts are still existing. Multiple versions of the Bible have occurred, and the translation and writings of old books are forming a new one. It is created in the modern style of language. Bible had translated into more than 2500 languages. Both Old and New Testaments contain the long story of focal points about Christ, so the people know well about Bible in their mother languages.